Virtual Research Environment

The Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is a supercharged JupyterLab web based prototyping environment. It is composed of a set of tools dedicated to developping and running machine learning algorithms, geospatial information oriented. Here is a list of pre-installed tools and libraries.

Getting started


The VRE offers a unique access to the major Earth Observation catalogues and hundreds of geospatial datasets (IoT, National statistics etc.). VRE’s fast-prototyping environment enables researchers and scientists to test small parts of code, annotate and visualise results in the same page.


With a wide range of AI frameworks and image processing toolboxes already integrated, the VRE lets researchers and scientists focus on their work and go beyond the state of the art using a set of out of the box pre-installed libraries and tools.


The VRE offers powerful full-web 2D and 3D rendering engines directly integrated in its prototyping environment. It also offers a virtual desktop with GIS tools (QGIS, Monteverdi etc.) accessing the same data and computing resources than in the prototyping environment.